How to deal with homesickness

Homesickness is a feeling of stress or anxiety

Signing up to your local GP

There's lots to do when you first arrive in Liverpool

Are you having safe sex?

Sexual health is important for lots of reasons...

Need a listening ear?

If you need to talk, Health Assured are here to listen...

Simple steps to stay safe from scams

It's important to stay vigilant

5 wellbeing podcasts to give a try

Whether podcasts are your thing or you’re a total newbie...

5 ingredients or less: Cheesy Pesto Pasta Bake

Uses only cupboard essentials and takes just 20 minutes

Protecting yourself against MMR

Measles, Mumps and Rubella are serious viral infections

Creating a Budget

Living independently means finding a budget

13 Student Savvy Saving Tips

Here's some ways you can make small savings this term