Posted 7 months ago
Fri 02 Aug, 2024 10:08 AM
The University ensures a safe, secure and crime-free environment through the our Campus Support Team. Here's what you need to know...
- While in Halls, if you need an ambulance or the police then please call 0151 794 2222. It is important to call this number rather than 999, so Campus Support can escort the emergency service to your room. If you do call 999 first, please call Campus Support straight after.
- Wherever you are on campus you can contact Campus Support in an emergency on 0151 794 2222 or for non-emergencies call 0151 792 3252.
Personal safety
There are always steps you can take to keep you and your belongings safe. For example, be vigilant, walk in groups, only take well-lit routes, don't have valuables such as your phone on show while walking around.
Everyone plays a role in keeping halls safe. Staying vigilant about who enters your building is important. If you suspect anything unusual, report it to your reception team or contact campus support. Read more about tailgating and tips to preventing it here.
University Chaperone Service
The Campus Support team also offer a 24/7 chaperone service where they can escort any student, staff or visitor around the University campus to ensure that they feel safe whilst on our site. If you are working late or feel vulnerable and would like to request this service, please contact the control room on 0151 794 3252. Alongside the chaperone service, it is also worth knowing some tips on how to stay safe on a night out.
University Police Officer
The University has a dedicated Police Officer who patrols the main campus and is available to offer advice and support on crime-related issues.
The University may ask the Police Officer to visit students in their private accommodation when we receive information about potential issues, such as a complaint from a neighbour, a local residents’ group or the Environmental Health team. This is to enable us to investigate the issues and check on our students’ welfare off-campus. The Police Officer will report their findings to the University management team who will consider the appropriate action in each case.
One of the great things about living in halls is that your personal belongings are insured automatically with Endsleigh - so that's one less thing you have to worry about. Click here to find out more.