Staying safe when out and about

Posted 11 months ago

Taking steps to make yourself safe

Whether at university or not. It's can be easy to forget some of the simple ways that you can keep yourself safe when walking around campus and city so here's a quick reminder of 5 things you can do to stay safe:

  1. Hide your phone and valuables when walking - walking and texting or scrolling will only show to others that you have valuables to hand. Keep your phone, wallet, purse out of sight and in a safe place
  2. Stay vigilant and aware of your surroundings - if you notice anything that seems strange or safe, trust your instincts and head to a place of safety e.g. shop, university building, library etc
  3. Take extra care at quieter times such as evenings - staying vigilant is always important but particularly late at night. Walk with a group or at least one other person wherever possible 
  4. Plan your route - we've all been there where we've been lost and using maps while walking around. Try to plan your route in advance so you know where exactly you're heading and where you can find safety should you ever need to
  5. Finished a late night session at the library? Call on Campus Support for a chaperone! Within 15 minutes two members of the team will be with you to help you get home safely. It doesn't need to be late at night or a weekday, the Chaperone service is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a week

Click here for more information on Safety on campus and support available 

Here's Andy, University of Liverpool's police officer, with some helpful tips on staying safe when out and about...

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