Need a listening ear?

Posted 1 year ago

If you need to talk, Health Assured are here to listen...

Talking through your issues with someone else can help relieve stress and make sense of everything that's going on.

Life at university is exciting and full of new opportunities, however there may be times when juggling a new course, flatmates and living in a new city might feel a lot. If things ever start to feel a little overwhelming or you just need to process everything that's going on, don't hold back from reaching out and getting the support you need - that's what it's there for! 

Health Assured is a free, confidential advice line dedicated to helping students with any problems they might be experiencing while at university. On the other end of the phone line there will be qualified counsellors and advisers who will listen and talk through any problems you might be facing without judgement. No matter how big or small your problem may be, the Health Assured team will be there, ready to listen 24 hours of the day and 365 days of the year.

Call Health Assured for free on 0800 028 3766 at any time on any day.

Did you know the My Healthy App has a whole range of free support that you can access at anytime, anywhere? Get access to support videos, webinars, mood trackers, home life support and advice, mood trackers, work life assistance, physical and emotional health, mini health checks, life support and medical information.

Download the My Healthy App for free from Google Play or the App store and use the following details to get logged in:

  • User code: Wellbeing
  • Password: MHA187679

Remember, there's also support in house from your Residential Advisers and the University's Student Support services. Find out more about in-house support here.