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5 steps to looking after your wellbeing

By hannahk 08 Sep 2022

To help get the best out of your year as a Residential Adviser, it’s important to take care of yourself and ensure that you are happy, healthy and well.

Whether you are becoming an RA for the first time or whether you are continuing your RA journey for another year, you are a part of the Halls and University wider team of staff and therefore are never alone. Throughout the year you will be supported in your role by your Warden, Halls Life and Accommodation Team, Halls Management team as well as Campus Support and Student Services.

We have some practical tips and advice for making the most of your year:

1. Make time for hobbies

In the rush of the new semester and amongst all of your other commitments, it can sometimes feel tricky to ‘find the time’ to do the things you enjoy. Sometimes we can ask ourselves why there aren’t more hours in the day? The truth is that you can always find time for hobbies and things you enjoy by organising your time well. While working hard, it’s especially important to have a few hours to relieve any stress and connect with others. Don’t forget that there are so many societies in the Guild and Sports Clubs you can join that are open to you!

2. Get enough rest

Sleep is essential for re-charging your mind and body so that you can achieve the best you possibly can. 3 simple tricks to improve your quality of sleep is to 1) establish a sleep routine 2) try to avoid screens an hour before you go to bed and 3) limit day time naps (even though they can be tempting) as this will improve your quality of sleep at night. If you find that you have any particular worries which is affecting your sleep, it’s worth speaking to someone for advice and support. See more about support below.

3. Nutrition 

Eating regularly and eating well is key for having lots of energy to go about your University life, RA role and other commitments. The best way to stay healthy is to take just a few minutes at the start of the week to plan your meals. Preparing meals for the week e.g. cooking in batches can save you lots of time mid-week. Takeaways can be tempting but cooking your own meals will be much healthier for you and cheaper. We have lots of budget friendly, quick and simple recipes here or you can search for more options here.

4. Socialising

There will be a whole team of RAs for 2022/23 and getting to know one another will be important for not only sharing best practice and experiences but to socialise and stay connected. Why not try organising an RA event with another RA on your team? Or organise catch ups to stay in touch? Socialising can really improve your mental health as it helps you not to feel alone. As well as this, always make the time to see friends and family wherever you can!

5. Support

It's important to remember that there is a whole range of support available to you if you ever need it. If you recognise that you might need some support, please know that there are lots of people you can speak to including your Warden, plus lots of support services at the University and external services.

The University has its own Mental Health Advisory Service which you can contact via 0151 795 1000 or You can book an appointment to speak to a Wellbeing and Guidance Advisor here. Information on counselling at the University can be found here.

The University has a useful self-help library with tips, guides and tools to improving your mental health. Offering support on anything from anxiety and loneliness to homesickness, you can check out out the self-help guides here.

The NHS also offer a range of self-help guides for advice on lots of different ways to improve your mental health. Find the NHS self-help guides here.

Health Assured is a 24/7 free, confidential helpline that you can call on 0800 028 3766 if you need someone to talk to about any issues you are experiencing. If you are still a student, don’t forget that you can download the My Healthy Advantage app for support videos and advice. You can enter the code ‘Wellbeing’ and the password is MHA187679.

Finally, Talk Liverpool is a counselling service which accepts self-referral. You can find out more about Talk Liverpool here.


