Leaving Halls over the Winter Break?

Posted 1 week ago

Heading off for the winter break?

Whether you're spending the holidays at home or jetting off somewhere else, there's just a few things you need to do before you leave Halls for the winter break.

No one wants to return to messy home in the new year! Give yourself that reassurance that you've done what you need to do before you leave.

Don't forget to...

  • Unplug all sockets
  • Switch all lights off
  • Remove all Christmas decorations from your communal kitchens
  • Tidy up your bedroom and kitchen 
  • Remove any rubbish and fresh food from your kitchen fridge and all dishes are washed, dried and stored away in cupboards
  • Donate any unwanted food items that are non-perishable to Fareshare (jars, tins, pasta) - find your donation box in your reception
  • Ensure your windows are closed and secured when leaving your accommodation
  • Ensure your bedroom door is closed properly and locked (keep your key card with you)
  • Pop any old batteries from your decorations in your reception's battery recycling bin

Any parcels delivered to your hall over the holiday period will be held until your return. No parcels will be returned during this time.  

 Please note that there will be changes in cleaning services, catering at Vine Court and timetable changes to 699 bus service. For more details on changes to Halls services over the winter break click here!

Support over the Winter Break:

You might be heading home for the break but don't forget that there's plenty of support still available, whether you're here on campus or at home.

Health Assured

Health Assured is a 24/7 confidential advice line for you to reach out to if you need to chat to someone. On the other end of the phone will be qualified counsellors and advisers to listen and talk through any problems you have without judgement. You can call Health Assured on 0800 028 3766 and find out more by clicking here. 

Health Assured also offer a My Healthy App which has a whole range of free support that you can access at anytime, anywhere. Get access to support videos, webinars, mood trackers, home life support and advice, mood trackers, work life assistance, physical and emotional health, mini health checks, life support and medical information.

Download the My Healthy App for free from Google Play or the App store and use the following details to get logged in:

  • User code: Wellbeing
  • Password: MHA187679

Other listening services available:

  • Samaritans: call 116123 (24 hours, 365 days a year)
  • Papyrus: call HopelineUK 0800 068 41 41 (9am – 10pm weekdays, 2pm – 10pm at weekends and on bank holidays.

Student Space

Student Space is here to help students find 24/7 support and to remind you that it's ok if you're not feeling merry over the winter break. Student Space run by @StudentMindsOrg is here to support you 24/7 over the holidays. Visit: studentspace.org.uk

Here's three articles you might want to check out this winter break:

Academic Support 

The winter break is a good time to rest and recuperate! You may have exams coming up in the new year so if you're starting to feel the pressure then don't panic. The Library's online KnowHow page has plenty of support and advice for anyone preparing for exams and assignments!

IT Support

There are some changes to IT support available over the winter break. Click here to head to IT services page for more details!