5 messages everyone needs to hear this exam season

Posted 3 weeks ago

You've got this!

With exam season here, nerves and feelings of anxiousness might start to creep in. Remember to breathe, take time for yourself, rest and remind yourself of how well you are doing...

It’s totally normal to feel some level of worry before a big exam or deadline. Student Minds talks about how feeling some level of anxiousness is part of our survival mechanisms. Read more here.

Taking care of yourself and your wellbeing is always important but especially at more stressful times like these. Here’s some positive messages to remind yourself of each day.

1. Look forward, not backwards!

As it gets closer to exams, there’s really no point in thinking about all the things you ‘should’ have done or ‘could’ have done. Thinking about what could be better will only waste energy that you can use to prepare for the next exam. Be confident in and proud of all the hard work you’ve put in not just during revision but throughout the year. You can be surprised how much this pays off!

2. Struggling to concentrate? Switch up your space

Do you ever just find that you’re not taking things in anymore? Or you’ve got writers block? Don’t worry everyone experiences this from time to time. If you find you are struggling then find a whole new space. Finding a new place to work in with help reset your mindset and give you a different perspective. If you’re spending all your time in your bedroom, why not change to the social space in your Hall or even shared kitchen?

Study spaces available in halls:

  • Greenbank Student Village Reception & Library
  • Crown Place Meeting Room One - book your space via Crown Place reception
  • Vine Court Mezzanine and study space above reception
  • Philharmonic study space & common room
  • Dover Court study room

3. Don’t let it take over!

We know it’s easier said than done but exam season will come and go and before you know it, over. It’s important to give it your best but also recognise that there’s still time for your own hobbies, friends and giving yourself treat and rewards! Just finished an essay plan? Wrote a paragraph? Finished revising a topic? Do something simple afterwards like watch an episode of your fave programme, make yourself a hot chocolate or text a friend and make some nice plans for next week! It’s super important to remind yourself that there’s nice things to look forward to.

4. Deep breaths…

Deep breathing, as simple as it sounds, is proven to help the body become more calm and relaxed. Whether it’s just a couple of long, deep breaths or you try the 4-7-8 method, you can start to feel calmer instantly. One to try when things feel a little overwhelming or even as you’re waiting to go into your exam. Want to go give the 4-7-8 method a go? Here’s a quick video to show you how…

5. Be patient! Practice makes perfect

Finding your best revision method or essay planning will take time so don't worry if you haven't nailed your study method this time around. It takes time and practice to learn what works best for you. Just know that next exam season, you'll be even more prepared. You've got this!

6. Need some support? Reach out

If things become a little too much or are starting to take over, remember that there is different types of support available to you should you ever need it.

  • Student Services have put together helpful self-help guides on stress, anxiety, imposter syndrome and lots more topics to help prevent these issues from escalating. View the self-help guides here.
  • You can contact your Residential Adviser if you wish to talk over any issues you might be experiencing. Remember you can contact the out of hours Duty RA Phone if you need to reach out. Find your Hall's Duty RA phone number here.
  • Remember that the University has lots of support in place for students during assessment period. Student Services are available to provide students with advice and support on both academic and non-academic matters. Click here to find out how Student Services can help.
  • Health Assured is a free, confidential advice line available 24/7. You can talk to counsellors by calling their helpline on 0800 028 3766 or download the Wisdom app for wellbeing support. Find out more here.
  • Student Minds also has helpful ways for you to combat exam stress here.

Good Luck from the Halls Life team! We know you can do it!