Blog: What the Halls Student Committee means to me

Posted 1 year ago

What does being a HSC member mean?

We asked HSC RA Lyndon all about his experience of being on Vine Court HSC 2022/23...

Previously watching HSC events from the side lines or participating in them as a guest I would sometimes feel that I had some suggestions for improvement but I always assumed those responsible for the event where to out of reach to consult with me or my input would only be considered if I had some lofty qualification in events management. However, when the previous HSC RA asked me if I would like to assist in the events and ultimately succeed him in the role, I recognised that at the University of Liverpool, particularly Vine Court where I reside, these were not so inaccessible at all. But it was not only me, any student could be part of it too!

I assumed my role as HSC RA in September 2023 and did everything I could to raise awareness about the opportunities available by joining the HSC. I worry some students do not take part because it seems to good to be true! The HSC works closely with the central HSC team (the Guild and Halls Life team!) to plan, organise and deliver events as well as represent the student voice. Ultimately our role is to enhance student experience for our residents and we do this by working with an allocated budget for the year.

For events, the HSC can organise catering and drinks, music, decorations and you can even hire dance instructors if you want. This was the case in Valentines day event, where we collaborated with other student halls to put on an event we called “Vine Valentine” after everyone had enjoyed some food and games we had a Salsa session, where we learned a few dance steps, it was great to deliver something which normally costs a considerable amount of money, to students for free! If there is an occasion that is important for the students we will consider it and with enough support we can celebrate it communally. As well as Valentines, we also organised a Games night, Earth Day event and a Summer Celebration. I have been really grateful for all the people who have supported me in my role by helping arrange and set up for the events, those who have attended and especially those who help me clear up afterwards!

I am pleased to put on a series of events which attempt to cater for everyone and to provide an alternative to some of the events you find more commonly elsewhere. I think a lot of the students appreciate having entertainment they can enjoy from the comfort of their own halls. I am thankful to have received positive comments and favourable feedback from many of the students who attended these events and I am looking forward to finding exciting ways to reach more students next year!

Click here to find out more about joining your HSC!

Lyndon - Vine Court HSC RA