Support over Summer

Posted 9 months ago

Campus will feel quieter over the summer months

With term ending for lots of students, campus will feel quieter over the summer months. Living in Halls over summer? Here's what support is available to you...

Halls Teams

Your Hall reception team will still be on hand to help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you have any issues with maintenance, pop down and speak to your Hall reception team.

Reach out to your Residential Adviser

Residential Advisers will also be around over the summer months. If you are experiencing any issues in Halls or want to chat through any assignment worries, don't be afraid to reach out to reach out to your RA. Contact details of your RA, Warden and the duty RA phone can be found in your handbook, on posters in your kitchens or at reception.  

University Support Services

Student Services are here all summer to offer support on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays 9am-5pm. Student Services will be open 10am-5pm on Wednesdays. You can book an appointment with Student Services via the Student Services Hub.

The University also has a useful self-help library with tips, guides and tools to improving your mental health. Offering support on anything from anxiety and loneliness to homesickness, you can check out the self-help guides here.

Campus Support

Campus Support are the University's team dedicated to making campus a safe environment for all. Campus Support offer a 24/7 chaperone service so if you are working late or feel vulnerable, you can call the team on 0151 794 3252.

Other Support

Health Assured is a 24/7 free, confidential helpline that you can call on 0800 028 3766 if you need to talk to someone about issues you may be experiencing during your time at university. You can download the My Healthy Advantage app for support, videos and advice. You can enter the code ‘Wellbeing’ and the password is MHA187679.

Student Minds also has lots of helpful tips and resources aimed at students who are experiencing challenges that university life can bring whether it be academic stress, loneliness, money-related issues and more. Student Minds also offers helpful tips and advice on looking after friends who may need support. 

Report and Support

Report and Support is the University's reporting tool. You can use the system to report bullying, harassment, sexual misconduct, hate crime, assault or discrimination. You can do it both anonymously or by leaving your details. It's a quick & easy way to tell the University that something has happened and helps us create a safe and inclusive environment for all. Access Report & Support here.