Making the most of your University time

Posted 2 years ago

Daisy's blog

Daisy, English Literature undergraduate from Greenbank Student Village:

The anticipation of moving into University halls is like no other, I remember eagerly awaiting the email that would allow me to search for my new flat mates and get to know them. It feels strange that I now am best friends with people I didn’t know this time last year! However, moving into university isn’t always straight forward, throughout my last year I have picked up a few little tips to make things as easy as making a pot noodle (which I can guarantee you will become accustomed to!). 

First and foremost, if you take only one thing away from reading this post, I hope it is this: make the effort with everyone you see! On my second day I went to the flat next door to introduce myself, 9 months later, I am now getting ready to move into a house with them. Small gestures like that can transform your experience, trust me! However, your flatmates aren’t the be all and end all of your university life and its okay if you don’t get on, there are so many other ways of finding friends. Speaking to people on your course is another fantastic way to make friends for life. This can be a bit harder due to concentrating during lectures etc., but this leads me onto my third tip; join societies. Joining societies can help you develop new hobbies and skills, make new friends, and stay active. Liverpool offers societies from Bar Society to Book Society - there truly is something for everyone, so there’s no excuse to not get involved and you will meet likeminded students who are also there to make friends. 

Aside from making friends, first and foremost, you are at University to earn your degree, which is done through utilising your resources. Make sure you engage with the reading/work set for you, your tutors and academic advisors – their job is to help you. It’s worth noting that the university work spaces such as The Guild, the libraries (Sydney Jones and the Harold Cohen) or the Greenbank Study Space are incredibly helpful if you struggle to concentrate in your room. As a fresher I found the library a scary place, but once you realise that the people there are only there to work it becomes less intimidating and worth visiting. 

So, my advice?...

Never be afraid of anyone, never be afraid to say hello and never say no to an opportunity. In first year, everyone is trying to make friends and establish their place in a new city, just like you! So don’t be afraid of going on ‘friend dates’, they aren’t as rare as you might think. Equally, it is never too late to make new friends – my personal goal for this next academic year is to join more societies and teams so I can meet more people.

 In essence, never miss a chance to make the most of your time at Liverpool!