Feel Good Feb: Halls Pamper Night


03 Feb 2025


6:00pm - 8:00pm




Vine Court Mezz

Indulge in some pampering and self-care this Feel Good Feb!

Put on your comfy clothes and enjoy face masks, eye masks, hot chocolates and cupcakes to give you that Feel Good feeling this February! Beautician Katie will also be doing free eye brow waxing treatments, no appointment needed!

When? Monday 3rd February, 6pm-8pm

Where? Vine Court Mezz

This event is alcohol-free!

This event is for students living in University of Liverpool Halls (Crown Place, Greenbank, Vine Court, Melville Grove, Tudor Close, Philharmonic & Dover Court). All food/drink items are first come, first served.

Take a look at some previous pampering in Halls!

Make your way to Vine Court and head to the double doors that say 'Bertie & Bella's' next to Subway and head up the stairs. For accessible entrance, use the lift via A block just around the corner - look out for our Residential Advisers in blue hoodies who can help you with directions. 

If you are not a Vine, Melville or Tudor student and want to use the lift in A block. Please go to Vine Court reception who will give you access. 

Please be aware that there will be a photographer present taking photos at this event. Please click here to see how your image may be used.

If you would not like your photograph to be taken and/or used according to the options in the link, please speak to a member of staff at the event.