Tips on finding housemates to live with next year

Posted 1 month ago

Thinking about who you're going to live with next year?

Lots of you might have this exact question on your mind and don't worry we're here to help! 

Before you even begin to read this article, please don't forget that there's no rush to rent! Everyone’s journey to finding housing for September is different so try not to compare your current situation to others. Forget myths such as ‘student housing will run out if you don’t book soon’! There is plenty of student accommodation in the city so it’s important that you take the time to find the best option for you.

Here's some pieces of advice for anyone who's thinking about who they might live with next year!

Come along to a Housemate Mixer 🍕

Liverpool Student Homes will be giving a short talk with Housing Advice followed by pizza, drinks & a chance to meet other students who are currently living in Halls and are also looking for people to live with next year!

Click here to find out more about the Housemate Mixer on Monday 10th Feb!

Are you using the support that Liverpool Student Homes have on offer?

Liverpool Student Homes (LSH) offer free, confidential support and advice when it comes to private housing. It is the university’s official accreditation service after all! Whether you want to chat about a contract you’re thinking of signing or get their advice on finding housemates, all you need to do is pop by their office on Oxford Street and chat with the super friendly team (near to Abercromby Square).

LSH are always posting helpful tips and tricks for anyone living in the private sector so give them a follow @livstudenthomesofficial.

Reach out & make some connections

If you’re specifically looking for other students to live with, why not use LSH’s online message board to let others know? You can also have a look to see if other groups are looking for someone to fill a room!

Click here to go to Liverpool Student Homes' Message Board!

Go to as many housing events as possible

Do your research and attend as many housing events as possible. Take all the advice and support you can get, that’s what it’s there for! It can be a little daunting but rest assured everyone else attending likely feels the same nerves and everyone is in the same boat. 

Liverpool Student Homes offer housemate meet ups throughout the year so check their website and Instagram regularly! You can also expect Housemate Mixers in University Halls in February and April so keep an eye out on our Instagram @livunihalls and Halls Life.

Read up! 

The Guild of Students also offer lots of housing advice, tips and tricks. Even for when you move into your new home, you can expect advice on any issues you might experience with housemates or landlords. Head to the Guild's Housing Advice page here!

Considered University Halls? 

We offer rooms for second, third, fourth years in halls too. So if you're not finding your people to live with, you can apply to live in University Halls. All you need to do is make sure you apply as soon as possible as it is a first come, first served based system. Please note that rooms are subject to availability. To find out more and discuss potential options, get in touch with the Accommodation Team here.